Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I am a Dumb Cheerleader With a Nice Smile

You've opened it!
You will have bad luck for four weeks!
But, if you re-post this,
You will get kissed by your crush on Friday!
Re post as "I am a ...."

What color of shirt are you wearing?
Red: Silly.
Brown: Cute.
Green: Gorgeous.
Blue: Sexy.
White: Muscular.
Aqua: Freaky.
Yellow: Innocent.
Purple: Little TOO happy.
Black/don't remember: EMO. 
Orange: Funny.
Gray: Dumb.
Pink: Preppy.
Light pink: Sweaty.
Multicolored: Tree- hugging.
Other: Hot.
None: Sexy beast.

What kind of pants are you wearing?
Skirt/Skort: llama.
Corduroy: Cage fighter.
Skinny jeans: Pothead.
Shorts: Cheerleader.
Ripped Jeans: Skater.
Cammo: Hillbilly.
Jean short shorts: Whore.
Jeans: Prep.
Cargo: Clown.
Sweats/basketball shorts: Gangster.
Booty shorts: Bum.
Pajama Pants: Slut.
Checkered: Taco lover.
Nothing: Mother banger.

What is your NATURAL hair color?
Dark brown: With a hot boyfriend/ girlfriend.
Auburn: With a broken heart.
Red: With a hot butt.
Black: With a nice smile.
Dirty blond: With a hot body.
Brown: With beautiful eyes.
Blond: That flirts too much.
Strawberry blond: That is to much to handle.
Light brown: With amazing eyes.

I Ran Over Nick Jonas Because I Like Shoelaces

You opened it, now you have to complete it.
Or something very bad will happen to your loved one.

Pick The Month You Were Born In:
1. (jan) - I ran over.
2. (Feb) - I kicked.
3. (Mar)- I slapped.
4. (Apr) - I injured.
5. (May) - I ran shirtless with.
6. (June) - I modeled with.
7. (July) - I smoked with.. (Aug) - I ran with.
9. (Sept) - I kissed.
10. (Oct) - I robbed.
11. (Nov) - I hate.
12. (Dec) - I punched.

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1. Barack Obama.Wayne.
3. Michael Jackson.
4. Zac efron.
5. Nick Jonas.
6. Paris Hilton.
7. Madonna.
8. Miley Cyrus.
9. Lady Gaga.
10. Elmo.
11. Taylor Swift.
12. Spongebob Squarepants.
13. Soulja Boy.
14. Lil' Mama.
15. Katy Perry.
16. Britney Spears.
17. Ryan Sheckler.
18. Big Foot.
19. Randy Jackson.
20. Mariah Carey.
21. Colby O'donis.
22. The Black Eyed Peas.
23. Simon Cowell.
24. Flava Flav.
25. Chris Brown.
26. The Cookie Monster.
27. Akon.
28. Barney the Dinosaur.
29. Paris Hilton.
30. Ronald McDonald.
31. Jenifer Green wood.

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
None: Because I'm SEXY like that.
Black: Because I love weed.
Pink: Because I'm crazy like that.
Turquoise: ​Because I like to snort cocaine.
Brown: Because gummy bears raped me.
Polka Dots: Because I'm a tranny.
Purple: Because I'm gay.
Grey: Because I like shoelaces.
Yellow: Because I'm retarded.
Green: Because I'm a pimp.
Orange: Because I'm a mental retard.
Red: Because I love sex.
Blue: Because I have AMAZING boobs.
Tye dye: Because I'm a fucking scuba diver.
Graphic: Because that LOSER stole my taco.
Coral: Because a dolphin took my baby.
White: Because i have a great body.
Neony: That's just how I roll.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I've got the 'yellow'! :3

Well, yeah! Today must be one of the best day of my life. Bangun tidur di pagi hari langsung mendapat kabar super indah. 2 sms ucapan selamat dari Sekar & Juni sontak membuat gue langsung mengecek (dan log in dengan acc kepsek haha) dan dengan manisnya setelah gue klik 'Hasil Seleksi' tertera manis nama gue dengan keterangan 'Lulus'. Gue lulus PPKB UI program studi farmasi, Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih banyak untuk semuanya, untuk segala doa, dukungan, dan ucapan selamat. Thanks God! Dan juga selamat untuk teman-teman seperjuangan. Juni (kedokteran), Ralf (teknik industri), Arsal (teknik kimia), Iru (teknik bioproses), Nia (kedokteran gigi), Randy (teknik metalurgi), & Laode (teknik kimia) dan anak-anak ipsnya juga :)) you all are great, guys! Bagi yang belum beruntung, God must have the more beautiful ways for you, guys! Believe it! And for others, see you at UI! :DD

ps: January always be the best month of a year! So thankful.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No need to hesitate to ask me anything :3

No need to hesitate to ask me anything :3

Judulnya apa yaa yang bagus?

Hmmmh.. Udah seminggu ga update blog? Sebenernya mungkin banyak banget yang mau gue ceritain, tapi lagi mls bgtzz buat ngetik dari hape. Oiya, gue udah bikin formspring loooh! Coba diliat, pokonya username gue AnggiParamitha. Ntar mau coba gue otak-atik, keliatannya sih gak ribet. Gue juga pengen ngotak-ngatik blog ini nih, edit some features, change the head picture, and my profile photo. (kaya cincha lawrah gini gue ngomongnya hahaha) tapi ya itu dia, malasnyoo ke warnet. Ga ada waktu juga sih. Sabar aja deh yaa nungguin laptop baru + internet, hehe.

Udah deh segitu aja update-an gue kali ini. Bye all, see y next time!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Quick Post About My Day! :D

Hey-loooo! What date is today? Yap, it's 5th January 2010, my sixteenth birthday! Thank you so much for all of the birthday sayings, wishes, & presents. Hope all the good wishes will come true, Amiin! :) I've got two birthday surprises, from my fam and my beloved CLOSER! How happy I am today! :)) I got presents from my parents; my square-face-chairmate, hida. I'm still looking forward for other birthday presents ehehe.

Well, I've got about 150 wall posts about birthday sayings via facebook. How should I reply them all? However, thank you so much guys! :D

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Post

Helloooooooo bloggers, blogiest, or whatever the name is. How's your holiday? Don't ask me back, okay! It's only 3 (THREE) days left for holiday, then I'll be back to my normal life. Yeah, as a senior student. Huaaaaaaaa.

Anywayyyy, HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL! Hope all the best for us this year, Amiin. :) my mom asked me to make some resolutions for myself. Hmmm, I'm not a kind of person that has a habit to make some resolutions every new year. Then after thinking and thinking (haha), my main wish is to get the best college for me. Whether it's UI, ITB, UGM, or whatever it is. And, I just thought yesterday that I have to be a better person. Yeah, I know everybody has. But, I realized that I still have some weaknesses. I wish I can be a 'kind' person start from this year, Amiin. (don't ever think that I'm not kind enough before! Haha)

I always love welcoming new year just because its month. Yeah, January! I ♥ January :)) especially 5th January, which always be one of the best day every year hihi.

Owkay, I think that's all for the 'New Year Post'. My family planned to go to the circuss today, ayeeeayy! How excited I am! :D

Ps: I've made a tumblr account. But I still don't have any idea about how to use it. Is it interesting? Which one do you prefer, blogspot or tumblr? If tumblr is more awesome then blogspot, maybe I'll move to post there hihi. So sorry blogspot :p sooo, is there anyone who can tell me how to explore tumblr? Hehe, I'll be so thankful.